Assim surgiu o álbum "Corte & Costura", um encontro do Alphayatch, projeto do produtor goiano Bruno Abdala, com o set criado pelo músico e produtor paulista Bernardo Pacheco. As “costuras” são as duas faixas que surgiram após intervenção de samples vindos de diversas fontes feitas pelo Alphayatch no som do Berna. Já os “cortes”, são as mini-faixas dentro de cada um dos sets criados pelo Abdala. “Enxergo as duas faixas maiores como reboot uma da outra, partindo de lugares semelhantes e fazendo caminhos completamente diversos. Espero que quem escolha escutar esse disco se divirta tanto quanto eu ao me deparar com o que o Abdala construiu”, comenta Bernardo.
In May 2024, Bernardo Pacheco performed his first solo live set, improvising on the guitar. It was also the last time he played at Tipitina, a bar in São Paulo that was closing its doors. The event took place on May 8, the same day Steve Albini’s death was announced. This led to the creation of the track "The Problem with Music," which was included in the 15th-anniversary compilation of our blog, Hominis Canidae, released on June 30 of this year. A long-time improvisation partner, Berna suggested that Abdala dissect this recording as part of the idea of zooming in on the small riffs and motifs that emerged throughout the piece.
This led to the album Corte & Costura (Cut & Sew), a collaboration between Alphayatch, a project by producer Bruno Abdala from Goiás, and the set created by São Paulo musician and producer Bernardo Pacheco. The "sewing" refers to the two tracks created after Alphayatch’s intervention, sampling from various sources and weaving them into Berna’s sound. The "cuts" are the mini-tracks within each set created by Abdala. “I see the two longer tracks as reboots of each other, starting from similar places and taking completely different paths. I hope anyone who listens to this album has as much fun as I did when encountering what Abdala built,” says Bernardo.
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Produzido por Abdala (Alphayatch) a partir da faixa `O Problema Com a Música` de Bernardo Pacheco.
Mixado por: Abdala.
Master por: Guirraiz.
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